Adventure Base Consultancy Ltd 非凡動力

電話號碼: (852) 2232 0616/(86)13560703620
傳真號碼: (852) 2861 0809
聯繫人: Timothy Tsang
詳細地址: 15d, Thomson Comm Bldg, 8 Thomson Rd, Wanchai, HK
在線地圖: 查看大圖
HKWebDir No.LKC80F5803-5908
The expression of “ABC” refers to the Sailing Signal “P” - Blue Peter. When a vessel in Harbour hoist the Blue Peter. Means all the crew should report on board as the vessel about to proceed to sea. The same mean for us is ready to face the New Challenge together!

ABC(Adventure Base Consultancy)非凡動力, 是一間專業策劃戶外活動的公司。我們的服務涵酷 玳 ザ艉 V及活動籌劃及設計,務求令客戶在安全的情況下透過戶外訓練和活動達致目標及取得成果。

非凡動力的英文名Adventure Base Consultancy 是來自體驗式訓練。體驗式訓練起源于第二次世界大戰后1941年,由一名德國教育家Mr. Kurt Hahn (譯音∶韓建德先生)。


非凡動力提供最優質而安全的訓練給每位參加者。我們的導師在體驗式訓練的范疇上擁有豐富的知識。他們大多數曾任職外展導師達5年之久。憑 他們在海陸活動的豐富知識能確保參加者在享受課程之馀能得到最大之得 。

The company band of Adventure Base Consultancy is from the Experiential Training theory. The Experiential Training is one of the most powerful training in the world. The main frame of training is from the end of World War II, Mr. Kurt Hahn.

Adventure Base Consultancy provided the highest quality and safety training for every participant. Our Instructor team has excellent knowledge in experiential education field. Most of them have more than five years experience of Outward Bound Trainer. They also have outstanding knowledge of water and land activities to make sure all participants could enjoy and gain the most through out the training.

Children & Youth Training學童及青少年培訓............................

Experiential Education體驗式教學培訓............................................

TeamBuilding, LeadershipTraining領袖小組訓練.................................

Oversea Expedition外國遠征體驗旅程籌辦..................................

Adventure Race Organize越野挑戰比賽籌辦..................................

Train The Trainer Course. (Facilitator and Instructor)

Mountain Craft, Canoe Certification Training

Challenge Course (Ropes Course), Artificial Climbing Wall Design and Build

Training Equipment Design and Manufacture

Climbing Wall Fun Day and Road Show

Physical Training (Running, Adventure Racing and Personal Training)
體能訓練(長跑, 越野挑戰賽及個人訓練)......................................

Training site Consultation and Management

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